IC maintains an active chapter of the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) with the members participating in numerous school service activities throughout the year.
During the fall of each school year, students in 7th grade will be introduced to the organization and informed of the academic and service requirements for acceptance. The administration and a committee of middle school teachers, known as the faculty council, review the applications and select the candidates. Selected students are considered for character, scholarship, leadership, service and citizenship. An induction ceremony for the newly invited NJHS members will be held during the fall for the school and family members.
The following are the criteria for each of these categories which are used to determine eligibility for membership:
Leadership: Student holds at least one significant leadership role or office in a school or extracurricular organization
Service: At least 20 hours of extracurricular service activities completed in the previous year through altar serving, lecturing, cantoring, church choir, or service activities organized by scouting or youth organizations. Individual activities will also be considered such as helping at soup kitchens, visiting the elderly, or other activities for which the candidate is not compensated.
Citizenship and Character: Determined by information on the application, reference letters, information provided by ICS faculty, and the faculty council’s knowledge of the candidate.
Final determination as to which students will be invited to join the ICS Chapter of the NJHS will be made by a majority decision of the faculty council. All decisions made by the faculty council are final, and applicants should realize that membership in the NJHS is an honor and privilege, not a right granted to all those who apply.