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What is Accelerated Reader?Accelerated Reader, a computer-based reading comprehension program, is an additional tool utilized to advance literacy. Because the program monitors individual practice and progress, teachers have another resource from which to access as they recommend book titles to students. Students and teachers can search for book titles based on reading level, title, author, subject area, award winners, and more. There are more than 180,000 titles in the program.
How does Accelerated Reader work? A student chooses a book from over 180,000 titles, appropriate for his/her reading level, reads the book, and takes a short reading comprehension quiz. The quiz results serve as a “database” and teachers can adjust book recommendations as a student’s reading ability progresses. In all grades, there is a minimum, quarterly goal (points) for students. Students earn points toward the quarterly goal as they pass a quiz. Depending on the grade, reaching the minimum goal may be part of the Language Arts report card grade.
The Millionaire’s Club is an extension of Accelerated Reader. Words read per student is tracked. Recognition is given to students who exceed the one-million-word benchmark during the school year. We have had students reach two and three million.
Fifth Grade Battle of the Books is an optional program used to inspire student readers. Immaculate Conception participates in this Clinton-Macomb Public Library sponsored event. Fifth grade students who opt to participate read twelve pre-selected books during a three-month period and compete in a trivia battle with peers from Macomb County. The 5th grade participants discuss and review in preparation of the battle.
We Have a new Updated Look to our Accelerated Reader website! Now every student is able to look at their “Bookshelf” to see book jackets of all the quizzes they have taken over the last few years! Also after each quiz our students are able to see their personal progress through each quarter as they head towards their reading goal.
In just one quarter, our school as a whole achieved 1667.4 points for books and quizzes passed! There are now over 2000 Accelerated Reader books in our school library giving our students a great reading selection.
AR Bookfind is a wonderful reference website that parents can access at home to see if a book has a test assigned to it. This site allows you to search by title and view detailed information on interest level, book level, and AR points.